
Monday, February 7, 2011

selamat datang ke rumah baru!

Hi alls. 

As the starter. Would like to say. Hi! O my gosh! sgt kaku. =.=" (forgive me my dear)

 This is so-called- entry paksa by him! :p  As he said, just post the introduce-yourself-entry which i ask have to be now? and he replied, just introduce yourself like what others will do when they first start a blog. So, i just replied..ok, i will try. So then, here we are..this entry come up. Sorry, a lil bit bored. but, i'll try harder to add up some other thing next time k. 

For now~ hi! Welcome to TintaChenta. Ini rumah baru kami. cerita kami. kisah kami. :)  

With love,
Cik Epal Hijau.


Mr. Green Apple said...

hamboi .. bagitahu siap kena paksa lagi yer .


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